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Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
1025c Wellings Road, Regina, SK S4N 2C6

Auto Repair Services

Carburetor Rebuilding

Why Choose Limitless Performance:

Differential Parts

Differential Parts

Why Choose Limitless Performance:

Engine Control Unit (ECU) Programming and Custom Tuning

Why Choose Limitless Performance:

Timing belt


Complete (Major) Tune-Up

Engine Tune-Up
Minor Tune-Ups

Minor Tune-Up

Why Choose Limitless Performance:

Timing Belt or Chain Replacement

Timing Belt or Chain Replacement

Why Choose Limitless Performance:

General Repair

General Repair

Why Choose Limitless Performance:



Why Choose Limitless Performance:

Customization Expertise

Customization Expertise

Why Choose Limitless Performance:

Driver Capital auto repair financing

Same day, no credit check financing for vehicle repairs and accessories

From Excavators to Escalades

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